Ancillary Classes
While building the students’ digital and library literacy skills, FLAIM’s library services enrich students’ language and academic development as well as their cultural development.
Library classes are held weekly for a period of 45 minutes per class. Students also can take advantage of additional Open Access times to check out new library books and take Accelerated Reader (AR) tests.
During library classes, learning experiences are tailored to provide students with the opportunity to develop skills to become effective users and producers of digital and print information. Library lessons build upon classroom learning by incorporating Louisiana Student Standards and aspects of FLAIM’s International Studies.
As an integral part of our immersion program, FLAIM’s library has books in English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish for the students to check out.

Recent studies have shown that there is a direct link between music and literacy and language development. Early childhood music instruction improves phonological awareness, refines auditory discrimination, increases auditory sequencing ability, strengthens listing and attention skills, enhances speaking skills, heightens oral language development and enriches vocabulary.
At Baton Rouge FLAIM, music is an integral part of every students day. Over the course of the school year, there are many performances: Magnolia Mound Creole Christmas, Christmas Program, Veterans Day, and International Festival.
General Music Classes are held once a week for a period of 45 minutes.
Students learn how to identify the beat, recognize pitch - high/low, tempo, music symbols, read notes, read rhythms, sing Kodaly songs with Curwen hand signs, study forms in music, and learn English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish songs as well as songs from other cultures. They also learn and experience how to perform with musical instruments, study different music styles and genres, families of instruments, and musicians from all over the world and from different periods in music.
Students learn to play pitched and unpitched instruments such as Boomwackers, hand bells, hand drums, xylophone, claves, rhythm sticks, and other Orff instruments.
Rhythm reading starts in First Grade, note reading starts in Second Grade, and recorder playing starts in Third Grade and continued through Fifth Grade.
Class instrumental performances also take place in the lessons such as performing Latin or World drumming in the upper grades.

Department Goals
Establish a positive, safe learning environment for all students.
Teach a variety of activities that make physical and health education interesting and fun.
Create maximum opportunities for students of all abilities to be successful.
Create and promote opportunities to succeed in cooperative and competitive situations.
Prepare and encourage lifelong physical activity and good health.
On the day(s) that your student has physical education class, he/she is expected to wear appropriate uniform clothing for maximum participation.
For girls, shorts/pants are preferred, but if a jumper/skirt is worn, shorts should be under the skirt.
Athletic shoes are the best choice for P E class. For safety purposes, athletic shoes with laces need to be “laced” properly and TIED.
Shoes with any kind of a heel and boots are inappropriate for P E class.
Please label all clothing so that lost items can be returned to the student and not placed in Lost and Found.
Doctors Excuses
Students will need a note from a doctor to be excused from physical education class.

Physical Education (PE)